Nickel Powder

Shanghai Truer Technology Co,.LTD 

Nickel Powder

Nickel powder can be used to manufacture stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant alloys, such as nickel steel, nickel chromium steel and various non-ferrous metal alloys. It also can be used as hydrogenation catalyst and ceramic products.
Nickel powder can be divided into spherical nickel powder and irregular nickel powder. Spherical nickel powder is mainly produced by gas atomization process, which is mainly used in 3D printing/additive manufacturing, thermal spraying, laser cladding, injection molding and other occasions. Ultrafine nickel powder with an average particle size of 1-10um is suitable for manufacturing the internal electrode of the chip multilayer ceramic capacitor and the electronic paste of other electronic components, nickel battery, battery, catalyst, magnetic fluid, special coating, wave absorbing material, etc.

Purity: 99%, 99.5%, 99.8%, 99.9%, or customized
Shape: spherical or irregular
Particle size: FSSS 3-10um, 0-25um, 15-45um, 15-53um, 45-105um, 53-150um, or sieve as required
Process: electrolytic method, carbonyl method, gas atomized

Common Ni Powder From Truer:

Grade Shape Purity Particle Size Ref Price(USD/kg) Process
SNi45 Spherical 99.8% 0-45um 69.2 Gas Atomized
SNi53 Spherical 99.8% 15-53um 68.2 Gas Atomized
SNi60 Spherical 99.9% 20-60um 76.5 Gas Atomized
SNi106 Spherical 99.9% 45-106um 69.9 Gas Atomized
SNi150 Spherical 99.9% 53-150um 69.9 Gas Atomized
STI-FNiT24 Irregular 99.5% FSSS 3-8um 31.5 Carbonyl Method

Morphology of Ni powder:

Electrode Induction Melting Inert Gas Atomisation

Gas atomized

laser-based Powder Bed Fusion

Carbonyl method

Our powders are supplied with a certificate of analysis containing chemical composition, particle size distribution, and other information, such as SEM morphology, flow characteristics and apparent density, also is available upon request.

If you have a special requirements for purity and particle size, Just contact us and we will try to customize the powders for you.

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