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Vue d'ensemble CuZn40 Powder

CuZn40 powder, also known as brass powder with a composition of 60% copper and 40% zinc, is a versatile alloy widely used in industries ranging from manufacturing to decorative applications. Known for its corrosion resistance, workability, and attractive golden color, CuZn40 powder plays an essential role in various engineering, industrial, and artistic applications. This article dives deep into the properties, applications, specific models, suppliers, and more to help you understand why CuZn40 powder is so highly valued.

What is CuZn40 Powder?

CuZn40, a type of brass alloy, is a metallic powder composed of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in a 60/40 ratio. It is recognized for its balance between strength, malleability, and corrosion resistance, making it ideal for applications that require both formability and durability. Compared to pure copper, CuZn40 offers a unique mix of advantages—its zinc content improves hardness and tensile strength while still maintaining excellent machinability.

CuZn40 Powder
CuZn40 Powder 8

Types of CuZn40 Powder: Specific Models and Descriptions

Below is a table showcasing different models of CuZn40 powder, each tailored for specific applications. These models vary based on particle size, purity, manufacturing processes, and additional alloying elements.

ModèleTaille des particulesCompositionCaractéristiques principalesBest Applications
CuZn40-P100100 µm60% Cu, 40% ZnHigh purity, smooth finishDecorative coatings, art pieces
CuZn40-P200200 µm60% Cu, 40% ZnEnhanced strengthAutomotive parts, plumbing fixtures
CuZn40-FP (Fine Powder)30 µm60% Cu, 40% ZnHigh surface areaPowder metallurgy, additive manufacturing
CuZn40-SG (Spherical Grade)75 µm60% Cu, 40% ZnSpherical particles for smooth flowLaser sintering, 3D printing
CuZn40-A (Atomized)150 µm60% Cu, 40% ZnAtomized, uniform particlesElectrical contacts, brazing
CuZn40-LT (Low-Temp Sintering)80 µm60% Cu, 40% ZnLower sintering temperatureLow-temperature brazing applications
CuZn40-HF (High Flow)90 µm60% Cu, 40% ZnHigh flow ratePrecision parts, dense coatings
CuZn40-NP (Nano Powder)<10 µm60% Cu, 40% ZnHigh reactivity due to nano scaleCatalysts, advanced electronic applications
CuZn40-HP (High Purity)100 µm99.9% purity, minimal impuritiesApplications requiring minimal contaminationHigh-end electronics, precision instruments
CuZn40-CR (Corrosion Resistant)125 µm60% Cu, 40% Zn, with small Cr additionsRésistance accrue à la corrosionMarine applications, outdoor hardware

Composition et propriétés des CuZn40 Powder

Composition of CuZn40 Powder

CuZn40 powder is precisely balanced between copper and zinc, providing an alloy that marries strength and ductility. Here’s a breakdown of its elemental composition:

Cuivre (Cu)60%
Zinc (Zn)40%
Autres élémentsMinimal impurities

Characteristics of CuZn40 Powder

CuZn40 powder’s properties make it ideal for a wide range of industrial uses. Below are some of its primary characteristics:

Résistance à la corrosionExcellent in non-acidic environments; ideal for outdoor applications
DuctilitéHigh ductility allows for cold working without cracking
Conductivité thermiqueGood heat conduction, suitable for heat exchange systems
UsinabilitéEasier to machine compared to pure copper
L'attrait esthétiqueGold-like color for decorative applications

Applications of CuZn40 Powder in Various Industries

CuZn40 powder finds application across diverse sectors due to its versatility. Here’s a table that breaks down key applications:

FabricationComponents like valves, gears, and bushingsHigh strength and wear resistance
AutomobileFuel injectors, radiator coresCorrosion resistance, machinability
ÉlectroniqueConnectors, terminalsElectrical conductivity with durability
Art and DecorSculptures, metal coatingsAttractive finish, easy to shape
La constructionPlumbing fixtures, fastenersNon-corrosive and durable for outdoor use
AérospatialeHigh-stress partsLightweight with excellent strength-to-weight ratio

Specifications, Sizes, Grades, and Standards of CuZn40 Powder

When selecting CuZn40 powder, consider the following specifications:

Taille des particules10 µm – 200 µmDetermines application suitability (e.g., finer particles for coatings)
La pureté99.5% – 99.9%Higher purity for critical applications like electronics
NotesStandard, High Purity, NanoVaries based on need for strength or conductivity
NormesASTM, ISO, SAEEnsures compliance with industry requirements

Pros and Cons of CuZn40 Powder Compared to Other Brass Powders

CuZn40 has both advantages and limitations. Let’s compare it to other brass powders in terms of key performance metrics.

Copper Content60%70%80%
La forceHautMoyenPlus bas
Résistance à la corrosionBonTrès bonExcellent
UsinabilitéEasier to machineHarder to machineHarder to machine
CoûtModéréPlus élevéLe plus élevé
ApparenceBright goldGoldenLight gold

Supplier and Pricing Information

For those interested in purchasing CuZn40 powder, here’s a snapshot of some reputable suppliers and approximate pricing.

FournisseurLocalisationModel OptionsPrice Range (USD/kg)
ABC MetalsÉTATS-UNISP100, FP, SG$10 – $30
Global Metal PowdersL'EuropeHP, CR, NP$15 – $40
MetallurgyProAsieLT, A, HF$12 – $35
Powder Tech SolutionsÉTATS-UNISStandard, High Purity$14 – $32


What is CuZn40 powder used for?CuZn40 powder is primarily used in automotive parts, electronics, manufacturing components, and decorative applications.
How is CuZn40 powder different from other brass powders?It has a 60/40 copper-to-zinc ratio, offering a balanced mix of strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance.
Can CuZn40 powder be used for 3D printing?Yes, CuZn40 in fine or spherical grades is ideal for 3D printing and laser sintering applications.
What are the cost factors for CuZn40 powder?Cost is influenced by purity, particle size, and supplier, with prices ranging from $10 to $40 per kilogram.
Is CuZn40 powder corrosion-resistant?Yes, it performs well in non-acidic environments, making it suitable for many outdoor applications.

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