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Titanium Hydride (TiH₂) powder is a versatile and vital material used in a range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, metallurgy, and even electronics. This article explores every nuance of TiH₂ powder, from its composition to applications, and everything in between. Whether you’re a professional in the field or just curious, let’s dive into the fascinating world of TiH₂ powder.

Overview of TiH₂ Powder

TiH₂ powder, also known as titanium hydride powder, is formed by combining titanium with hydrogen. The material offers unique properties like high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and excellent reactivity, making it a favorite in advanced manufacturing processes like powder metallurgy and 3D printing.

Key Properties of TiH₂ Powder

  • Chemische Formel: TiH₂
  • Erscheinungsbild: Grey or black powder
  • Dichte: ~3.91 g/cm³
  • Wasserstoffgehalt: Typically around 4% by weight
  • Thermische Stabilität: Decomposes to titanium and hydrogen at elevated temperatures.
TiH₂ powder
TiH₂ Powder 9

Zusammensetzung der TiH₂ Powder

Understanding the composition of TiH₂ powder is essential for selecting the right grade for your needs. The powder’s purity and particle size significantly influence its behavior in various applications.

KomponenteTypical Content (%)
Titan (Ti)≥ 96.0
Hydrogen (H)3.8 – 4.5
Sauerstoff (O)≤ 0.3
Nitrogen (N)≤ 0.2
Kohlenstoff (C)≤ 0.05
Eisen (Fe)≤ 0.1

Characteristics of TiH₂ Powder

Hohes Festigkeits-Gewichts-Verhältnis

Titanium hydride retains titanium’s hallmark feature—superior strength while remaining lightweight. This is invaluable for aerospace and automotive applications where weight savings are critical.

Decomposition Potential

At elevated temperatures, TiH₂ releases hydrogen, making it a unique precursor for titanium powders in sintering and additive manufacturing.


TiH₂ is naturally resistant to many corrosive environments, ensuring durability in demanding conditions.

Applications of TiH₂ Powder

TiH₂ powder finds its way into various industries thanks to its exceptional properties.

PulvermetallurgieEnhances sintering efficiency and reduces production costs.
3D-DruckOffers precision in additive manufacturing with excellent material properties.
Komponenten für die Luft- und RaumfahrtUsed in lightweight, high-strength parts such as airframes and engine parts.
Hydrogen Storage SystemsActs as a hydrogen storage medium in advanced energy applications.
Metall-Matrix-VerbundwerkstoffeImproves wear resistance and mechanical strength.
Welding and SolderingServes as a source of titanium in filler materials.

Specifications, Grades, and Standards

Choosing the right TiH₂ powder requires understanding the specifications and grades that align with your project.

KlassePartikelgröße (µm)Hydrogen Content (%)Anmeldung
TiH₂-10≤ 104.03D printing, microelectronics
TiH₂-20≤ 203.8Pulvermetallurgie
TiH₂-45≤ 454.2General-purpose applications
TiH₂-UltraPure≤ 104.5High-purity requirements

Top-Modelle der TiH₂ Powder

Here’s a closer look at some of the popular TiH₂ powder models, tailored for different applications:

  1. TiH₂-Microfine
    • Beschreibung: Ultra-fine powder with particle sizes below 5 microns.
    • Anwendungen: Ideal for additive manufacturing and high-precision parts.
  2. TiH₂-Industrial
    • Beschreibung: Cost-effective, standard-grade powder.
    • Anwendungen: General use in welding, soldering, and metal composites.
  3. TiH₂-HighPurity
    • Beschreibung: High-purity powder with stringent quality controls.
    • Anwendungen: Aerospace and medical devices.
  4. TiH₂-3DP
    • Beschreibung: Designed specifically for 3D printing with optimized flowability.
    • Anwendungen: Additive manufacturing and prototyping.
  5. TiH₂-Standard
    • Beschreibung: Versatile powder for multiple industries.
    • Anwendungen: Powder metallurgy and composite materials.
  6. TiH₂-Energy
    • Beschreibung: Hydrogen-rich formulation for energy storage.
    • Anwendungen: Hydrogen fuel cells and energy systems.
  7. TiH₂-Plus
    • Beschreibung: Improved particle size uniformity.
    • Anwendungen: Advanced sintering techniques.
  8. TiH₂-Nano
    • Beschreibung: Nanoscale powder for cutting-edge research.
    • Anwendungen: Nanotechnology and specialized coatings.
  9. TiH₂-Medical
    • Beschreibung: Meets biocompatibility standards.
    • Anwendungen: Medical implants and surgical tools.
  10. TiH₂-HighDensity
    • Beschreibung: Optimized for high-density sintering.
    • Anwendungen: Aerospace and defense sectors.

Lieferanten und Preisangaben

AnbieterPreisspanne ($/kg)RegionBesondere Merkmale
Fortgeschrittene Materialien Inc.50 – 100USACustomizable particle sizes and compositions
TitanMetals Co.45 – 90EuropaHigh-purity grades for aerospace
SinoPowder Ltd.30 – 70AsienCompetitive pricing for bulk orders
TiH2 Powder
TiH₂ Powder 16

Comparing Advantages and Limitations

StärkeHohes Festigkeits-Gewichts-VerhältnisBrittle in some conditions
Hydrogen StorageExcellent hydrogen carrierRequires controlled decomposition
KostenAffordable compared to titanium powderCost increases for high-purity grades


What is TiH₂ powder used for?TiH₂ powder is used in powder metallurgy, 3D printing, and hydrogen storage.
How is TiH₂ powder produced?It’s made by reacting titanium with hydrogen under controlled conditions.
Can TiH₂ powder be used in aerospace?Yes, it’s ideal for lightweight, strong aerospace components.
Was ist die typische Partikelgröße?Particle sizes range from nanometers to 45 microns depending on the grade.

With a broad range of applications and distinct advantages, TiH₂ powder stands out as a vital material in modern manufacturing. By understanding its properties, grades, and uses, you can make informed decisions for your projects.

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