
Mastering Laser Rapid Prototyping

What is Laser Rapid Prototyping? Laser Rapid Prototyping (LRP) is revolutionizing the way industries approach manufacturing. Ever wondered how we can create complex designs at ...
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High-Temperature Build Bed Assembly

Overview of High-Temperature Build Bed Assembly In the world of additive manufacturing and 3D printing, the build bed, also known as the build plate, is ...
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Binder Jetting Additive Fertigung

Additive manufacturing, often known as 3D printing, has revolutionized manufacturing industries by enabling the creation of complex, custom-designed components. Among the various additive manufacturing techniques, ...
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Overview of MnS Powder If you’re venturing into metallurgy or advanced material science, chances are you’ve come across the term “MnS Powder.” Manganese Sulfide (MnS) ...
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Verständnis von MoS2-Pulver

MoS2 powder, or molybdenum disulfide powder, has emerged as a game-changer in materials science and engineering. Known for its lubricating properties, chemical stability, and versatility, ...
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Induktiv gekoppeltes Plasma (ICP)

Overview of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) is a technology that has become fundamental in the realm of analytical chemistry, materials science, ...
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Metallbinder Jet-Lösung

Introduction to Metal Binder Jet Solutions The world of manufacturing has undergone seismic shifts with the advent of additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing. ...
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Anwendungen für Hochtemperatur-Raketentriebwerke

Introduction to Metal Powders What if I told you that the secret sauce behind those roaring rocket engines isn’t just the fuel but the very ...
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Überblick über SiC-Pulver

Silicon Carbide (SiC) powder is an innovative material that’s been making waves in industries ranging from automotive to electronics and even aerospace. Known for its ...
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AlN-Pulver:Überblick über Aluminiumnitrid-Pulver

Aluminum Nitride (AlN) powder is a versatile material known for its exceptional thermal and electrical properties. Its applications span across electronics, metallurgy, and ceramics, making ...
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Über uns

Die wahre Industrie

shanghai truer am-material

Shanghai Truer Industrial Development Co., Ltd. wurde 2009 gegründet und gründete 2019 den Geschäftsbereich Additive Fertigung, der sich dem Aufbau integrierter 3D-Druck-Pulverherstellungsanlagen und -dienstleistungen sowie hochwertiger 3D-Druckpulver widmet, um technische Anwendungen der Additiven Fertigung zu unterstützen.

Das Unternehmen verfügt nicht nur über eine professionelle Technologie und Ausrüstung für das selektive Elektronenstrahlschmelzen (SEBM), sondern auch über eine Technologie und Ausrüstung für die Pulverherstellung mit rotierenden Plasmaelektroden (PREP). Wir haben auch verschiedene Sorten von sphärischen Metallpulvern, einschließlich TiNi, TiTa, TiAl, TiNbZr, CoCrMo und so weiter.

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Cassiel Ding
+86 - 13611869448 [email protected]


Lucy Wen
+86 - 15250232891
[email protected]


Mike Wu
+86 - 13862291355 [email protected]


Joan Zhou
+86 - 17316565943 [email protected]


Lukas Zhang
+86 - 15250014048 [email protected]

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