NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder

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첨단 소재의 세계에서, NiTi50 (Nitinol) powder stands out for its unique properties. You may have heard about its shape memory effect and superelasticity, but this powder goes far beyond just those features. So, what makes NiTi50 such a game-changer in industries like aerospace, medical devices, and robotics? Let’s dive into the details.

Overview of NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder

NiTi50, a nickel-titanium alloy powder, is more commonly known as Nitinol. It’s a shape memory alloy (SMA), which means it can remember its original shape even after being deformed, returning to that shape when exposed to heat. This property makes Nitinol invaluable in applications requiring materials that can undergo large deformations without permanent damage.

But that’s not all! Nitinol is also superelastic, meaning it can recover significant strains without permanent deformation, making it highly resilient compared to other metals. Additionally, it’s corrosion-resistant, biocompatible, and has impressive fatigue life—all factors that make it highly sought after in sectors like biomedical engineering, aerospace, and robotics.

NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder
NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder 9

Composition of NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder

Now, let’s talk specifics. NiTi50 powder consists primarily of nickel (Ni) 그리고 titanium (Ti), with a nearly equal atomic percentage (50% Ni and 50% Ti). These two elements combine to form a metallic alloy with extraordinary properties.

Here’s a breakdown of the typical composition:

니켈(Ni)50 ± 1
티타늄(Ti)50 ± 1
Other Impurities<0.2

The small amount of impurities can vary depending on the manufacturing process, but they are generally kept to a minimum to maintain the high purity and effectiveness of the powder.

의 특성 NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder

When discussing the characteristics of NiTi50 powder, it’s essential to focus on what sets it apart from other materials.

주요 특징:

  1. Shape Memory Effect (SME): NiTi50 can return to its original shape when heated above a certain temperature after deformation.
  2. Superelasticity: The material can recover large deformations almost instantly, without requiring heat. This makes it incredibly durable and flexible, perfect for dynamic applications.
  3. 생체 적합성: NiTi50 is highly biocompatible, which is why it’s widely used in medical devices like stents and orthopedic implants.
  4. 내식성: Thanks to the titanium content, NiTi50 is resistant to corrosion, even in harsh environments, such as bodily fluids or aerospace conditions.
  5. Fatigue Life: NiTi50 can withstand millions of deformation cycles, making it highly reliable for long-term use.

Detailed Characteristics Table:

밀도6.45 g/cm³
녹는점1240 – 1310°C
Transformation TemperatureDepends on Ni-Ti ratio (typically between -50°C to 100°C)
탄성 계수28-41 GPa (in austenite phase)
열 전도성18 W/m·K
전기 저항82-100 µΩ·cm
경도180-300 HV (Vickers Hardness)
Shape Recovery StrainUp to 8%

Top 10 NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder Models

There are several variations of NiTi50 powder, each tailored for specific applications. The following are some of the most popular models available in the market, differentiated by their 입자 크기, purityintended use.

1. NiTi50 P1 – Biomedical Grade

  • 순도: 99.9%
  • 입자 크기: 15-53 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Ideal for 3D printing of medical implants such as stents and orthopedic screws.

2. NiTi50 P2 – Aerospace Grade

  • 순도: 99.8%
  • 입자 크기: 20-63 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Suitable for aerospace components, including actuators and springs.

3. NiTi50 P3 – Fine Powder

  • 순도: 99.95%
  • 입자 크기: 5-25 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Best for intricate 3D printing applications and micro-device fabrication.

4. NiTi50 P4 – Superelastic Grade

  • 순도: 99.85%
  • 입자 크기: 45-105 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Used in applications that require high elasticity, such as robotics and automation.

5. NiTi50 P5 – Ultra-Pure

  • 순도: 99.99%
  • 입자 크기: 10-50 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Critical for high-precision medical applications, including vascular stents.

6. NiTi50 P6 – High-Temperature Grade

  • 순도: 99.8%
  • 입자 크기: 25-75 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Designed for environments exposed to high temperatures, such as jet engines.

7. NiTi50 P7 – Low Transformation Temp

  • 순도: 99.9%
  • 입자 크기: 30-60 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Used in cryogenic applications where low-temperature transformation is required.

8. NiTi50 P8 – Powder for Actuators

  • 순도: 99.8%
  • 입자 크기: 20-60 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Excellent for precision actuators and shape memory components in automotive systems.

9. NiTi50 P9 – Additive Manufacturing Grade

  • 순도: 99.85%
  • 입자 크기: 20-70 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Optimized for additive manufacturing and metal 3D printing applications.

10. NiTi50 P10 – Corrosion-Resistant

  • 순도: 99.9%
  • 입자 크기: 15-50 µm
  • 애플리케이션: Best for applications in corrosive environments like marine engineering and chemical processing.

애플리케이션 NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder

The versatility of NiTi50 powder means it’s used in a variety of industries. Let’s explore its applications:

의료 기기Stents, guidewires, orthopedic implants, surgical tools
항공우주Actuators, temperature-sensitive fasteners, vibration dampening components
RoboticsShape memory actuators, flexible joints, grippers
자동차Engine components, temperature-regulating systems, sensors
소비자 가전Flexible phone frames, antennas, headphones
해양 엔지니어링Corrosion-resistant components, flexible underwater devices
건설Earthquake-resistant structures, smart sensors

Specifications, Sizes, and Grades

Here’s a quick look at the standard specifications and grades available for NiTi50 powder:

사양학년/유형입자 크기 범위 (µm)애플리케이션
ASTM F2063의료용 등급15-53 µm바이오메디컬
AMS 5382항공 우주 등급20-63 µm항공우주
ASTM B348산업 등급25-75 µm산업
ASTM F2516Superelastic Grade45-105 µmRobotics
ASTM F2063/ISO 5832-11적층 제조20-70 µm3D 프린팅

공급업체 및 가격

Pricing can vary depending on the model, purity, and quantity you’re purchasing. Here are some typical pricing details based on major suppliers:

공급업체모델가격(kg당)Minimum Order Quantity리드 타임
ABC MaterialsNiTi50 P1$8505kg2주
XYZ MetalsNiTi50 P2$80010kg3주
Premium Powder Co.NiTi50 P3$9502 kg1 week
Nitinol Supply Inc.NiTi50 P4$9208kg2주
Advanced MetalworksNiTi50 P5$9701 kg4주

장점 NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder

There’s a reason why NiTi50 is so popular across different industries—it brings a range of benefits to the table


  • Durability: With its superelastic properties and resistance to deformation, NiTi50 is more durable than traditional metals.
  • 다용도성: NiTi50 finds applications in various fields, from medical devices to aerospace, thanks to its unique properties.
  • 생체 적합성: One of the few metals that can safely be used inside the human body without causing adverse reactions.
  • 내식성: This powder performs well even in harsh environments, making it reliable in the long term.

Advantages vs Limitations:

장점제한 사항
Shape Memory Effect & SuperelasticityHigh material costs
Corrosion and Fatigue ResistanceDifficult to machine or process
생체 적합성Limited transformation temperature range
High Resilience in Dynamic ApplicationsRequires specific environmental conditions (heat)
NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder
NiTi50 (Nitinol) Powder 16

자주 묻는 질문

What is NiTi50 powder used for?NiTi50 is used in medical devices, aerospace components, robotics, automotive parts, and consumer electronics.
What makes NiTi50 unique?Its shape memory effect and superelasticity make it unique compared to other alloys.
Is NiTi50 biocompatible?Yes, NiTi50 is highly biocompatible and widely used in biomedical applications.
How expensive is NiTi50 powder?Prices vary, but NiTi50 is generally more expensive than traditional metals, ranging from $800 to $970 per kg.
What industries use NiTi50 powder the most?The medical, aerospace, and robotics industries are some of the biggest users of NiTi50 powder.


결론적으로 NiTi50 (Nitinol) powder is an incredible material with unique properties that make it suitable for various advanced applications. Whether it’s used in life-saving medical devices or cutting-edge aerospace technologies, NiTi50 offers versatility and performance that few other materials can match.

Its combination of shape memory, superelasticity, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility ensures that it will continue to be a valuable material in various fields for years to come. However, its high cost and specific processing requirements might limit its use to high-end applications where these properties are truly necessary.

If you’re considering using NiTi50 powder for your next project, weigh its advantages against its limitations to determine if it’s the right fit. The material’s potential is enormous, but its costs and specific handling requirements mean it’s best suited for specialized, high-performance applications.

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