
하스텔로이 X 파우더

When it comes to high-performance alloys designed for the most extreme conditions, Hastelloy X Powder stands out as a critical player in the world of ...
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CuZn20 분말

EB 3D 프린팅 시스템

Welcome to the world of EB 3D printing system! If you’re diving into this realm, you’re likely seeking to understand what makes EB 3D printing ...
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NiTi50(니티놀) 분말

In the world of advanced materials, NiTi50 (Nitinol) powder stands out for its unique properties. You may have heard about its shape memory effect and ...
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2507 듀플렉스 스테인리스 스틸 개요

2507 duplex stainless steel can be hot-worked between 1875°F and 2250°F (approximately 1024°C to 1232°C). After hot working, solution annealing should be performed at 1925°F ...
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인코넬 939 파우더

When it comes to high-performance alloys, few materials can match the exceptional capabilities of Inconel 939 Powder. This versatile metal powder is part of the ...
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인코넬 738LC 파우더

In the world of high-performance materials, Inconel 738LC powder stands out as a crucial player, particularly in industries requiring robust mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. ...
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전극 유도 용융 불활성 가스 원자화

Electrode Induction Melting Inert Gas Atomisation (EIGA) is a fascinating and highly technical process used in the production of high-quality metal powders. This technique is ...
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인코넬 718 파우더

Inconel 718 powder is a critical material in advanced industries like aerospace, automotive, energy, and additive manufacturing. This high-performance nickel-chromium alloy powder is known for ...
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순수 니켈 분말

Nickel (Ni) powders are becoming increasingly significant in various industrial applications due to their unique properties and versatility. From additive manufacturing and 3D printing to ...
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AM 머신의 가이드

Welcome to the fascinating world of Additive Manufacturing (AM) machines! These incredible devices are revolutionizing how we create, design, and manufacture products. Imagine being able ...
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회사 소개

진정한 산업

상하이 트루어 암-머티리얼

상하이 트루어 산업 개발 유한회사는 2009년에 설립되어 2019년에 적층 제조 사업을 시작했으며, 적층 제조의 엔지니어링 응용을 돕기 위해 통합 3D 프린팅 파우더 제조 장비 및 서비스, 고품질 3D 프린팅 파우더를 구축하는 데 전념하고 있습니다.

이 회사는 전문적인 선택적 전자빔 용융(SEBM) 기술 및 장비뿐만 아니라 플라즈마 회전 전극 공정 분말 제조(PREP) 기술 및 장비도 제공합니다. 또한 TiNi, TiTa, TiAl, TiNbZr, CoCrMo 등 다양한 등급의 구형 금속 분말을 보유하고 있습니다.

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