
GRCop-42 Alloy Powder

Overview of GRCop-42 Alloy Powder GRCop-42 is an alloy powder primarily made from copper, chromium, and niobium. Developed by NASA, this material has gained recognition ...
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Low Alloy Powder

Low alloy powders play a crucial role in various industries, from automotive to aerospace. Their versatility, combined with unique properties, makes them indispensable in manufacturing ...
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Spherical Powder: Composition, Characteristics, and Applications

Introduction: Why Spherical Powder is a Game Changer in Modern Manufacturing Imagine trying to fill a jar with marbles and pebbles. The marbles, smooth and ...
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Sinter-Hardening Alloy Powder

Sinter-hardening alloy powder is an unsung hero in the world of materials science. This engineering marvel combines the benefits of sintering—a method used to create ...
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Advanced Materials: A Comprehensive Guide

Overview Advanced materials are revolutionizing the world of manufacturing, engineering, and technology. From metal powders used in 3D printing to advanced composites in aerospace, these ...
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High Purity Powder

Overview of High Purity Powder In the world of materials science, high purity powders are the building blocks of advanced manufacturing and technology. These finely ...
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공구강 분말

Overview of Tool Steel Powder Tool steel powder is a specialized material used in various industrial applications, particularly in the manufacturing of tools and components ...
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High-Strength Steel Powder

High-strength steel powder is a material that plays a crucial role in various industries, from automotive to aerospace. Its unique properties, combined with technological advancements, ...
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M2-Grade Material

M2-grade material, a high-speed steel (HSS) widely recognized for its exceptional balance of toughness, wear resistance, and cutting performance, stands out as a premier choice ...
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마레이징 스틸

Overview of Maraging Steel Maraging steel is a highly advanced material known for its exceptional strength, toughness, and ease of fabrication. This family of steels ...
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회사 소개

진정한 산업

상하이 트루어 암-머티리얼

상하이 트루어 산업 개발 유한회사는 2009년에 설립되어 2019년에 적층 제조 사업을 시작했으며, 적층 제조의 엔지니어링 응용을 돕기 위해 통합 3D 프린팅 파우더 제조 장비 및 서비스, 고품질 3D 프린팅 파우더를 구축하는 데 전념하고 있습니다.

이 회사는 전문적인 선택적 전자빔 용융(SEBM) 기술 및 장비뿐만 아니라 플라즈마 회전 전극 공정 분말 제조(PREP) 기술 및 장비도 제공합니다. 또한 TiNi, TiTa, TiAl, TiNbZr, CoCrMo 등 다양한 등급의 구형 금속 분말을 보유하고 있습니다.

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