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In the world of high-performance materials, Inconel 738LC powder stands out as a crucial player, particularly in industries requiring robust mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. Known for its excellent resistance to oxidation, corrosion, and heat, Inconel 738LC has carved out a niche for itself in fields such as aerospace, gas turbines, and power generation. Whether you’re an engineer, a manufacturer, or just curious about this fascinating metal alloy powder, this article is your one-stop guide to understanding everything you need to know about Inconel 738LC powder.

Inconel 738LC Powder
Inconel 738LC Powder 9

Overview of Inconel 738LC Powder

Inconel 738LC is a nickel-based superalloy designed to withstand extreme conditions of high heat and stress. This makes it an ideal choice for critical components like turbine blades, combustor sections, and other hot gas path components in turbines. The “LC” in Inconel 738LC stands for “Low Carbon,” indicating its modified composition to offer improved mechanical properties and increased resistance to thermal fatigue and oxidation.

What sets Inconel 738LC powder apart is its ability to retain its strength and stability at temperatures exceeding 1000°C, making it an ideal material for Additive Manufacturing (AM), Moulage par injection de métal (MIM)et Pressage isostatique à chaud (HIP) processes. Let’s dive deeper into its unique properties, composition, and applications.

Composition of Inconel 738LC Powder

Understanding the composition of Inconel 738LC powder is essential to grasp why it’s so effective under extreme conditions. This nickel-based alloy contains specific elements, each contributing unique properties.

ÉlémentPourcentage (%)Role in Alloy
Nickel (Ni)59-63Provides corrosion and oxidation resistance, base element of the alloy
Chrome (Cr)15.7-16.3Enhances high-temperature oxidation resistance
Cobalt (Co)8-9Increases strength and oxidation resistance
Aluminium (Al)3.3-3.7Provides oxidation resistance and improves strength via precipitation hardening
Titane (Ti)3.2-3.7Contributes to strength through precipitation hardening
Tantale (Ta)1.4-1.7Increases high-temperature strength
Tungstène (W)1.4-1.7Enhances creep resistance and strength at high temperatures
Molybdène (Mo)1.6-2Contributes to solid-solution strengthening
Carbone (C)0.09-0.13Adds to carbide precipitation for strengthening at high temperatures
Zirconium (Zr)0.05-0.12Reduces grain boundary embrittlement
Bore (B)0.005-0.01Improves high-temperature ductility

Each of these elements has been carefully selected to create a superalloy that offers a balance of la force, oxidation resistanceet thermal stability. The low-carbon content (LC) helps prevent carbide precipitation at grain boundaries, which can weaken the material at elevated temperatures.

Caractéristiques des Inconel 738LC Powder

Lorsqu'il s'agit de Inconel 738LC powder, its characteristics are key to its high-performance applications. Below are some of the notable features:

1. High Temperature Strength

Inconel 738LC powder maintains its strength even at temperatures exceeding 1000°C, which makes it perfect for applications in gas turbines et aerospace.

2. Oxidation and Corrosion Resistance

The combination of Nickel, Chromeet Aluminium offers excellent resistance to oxidation, corrosion, and wear, even under extreme operating conditions.

3. Excellent Creep Resistance

With elements like Tungstène, Molybdèneet Tantale, this alloy shows great resistance to creep deformation, which occurs over long periods of exposure to high stress and temperature.

4. Fatigue Resistance

Due to its low carbon content, Inconel 738LC powder offers superior fatigue resistance, particularly under thermal cycling conditions, where components are exposed to rapid heating and cooling.

5. Machinability and Weldability

Tandis que Inconel 738LC is known for being tough to machine, the powder form allows it to be efficiently processed via Fabrication additive, HIPet metal injection molding, improving its adaptability in various applications.

Applications of Inconel 738LC Powder

Les Inconel 738LC alloy is widely used in industries that demand materials capable of withstanding extreme stress, temperature, and corrosive environments. Here are some of the most common applications:

applicationL'industrieWhy Inconel 738LC Is Used
Aubes de turbineAerospace/Power GenerationHigh-temperature strength and oxidation resistance
Combustor SectionsTurbines à gazThermal fatigue resistance and oxidation resistance
Hot Gas Path ComponentsL'énergieSuperior creep resistance and corrosion resistance
Aerospace EnginesAérospatialeWithstands high temperatures and mechanical stresses
Heat ShieldsExploration spatialeHeat resistance and ability to retain mechanical properties under stress
Industrial Gas TurbinesProduction d'électricitéProlonged service life under extreme operational conditions
Additive Manufacturing (3D printing)FabricationAllows intricate designs with high strength and thermal properties
Moulage par injection de métal (MIM)FabricationEnables efficient production of complex shapes with high precision
Nuclear Reactor ComponentsNuclear PowerRadiation resistance and performance in high-temperature environments

As you can see, the Inconel 738LC powder has far-reaching applications, proving its versatility across industries where performance and durability are paramount.

Inconel 738LC Powder Modèles

To give you a more complete view, here are 10 specific models of Inconel 738LC powder that differ in size, form, or specific features:

Inconel 738LC AMSpecifically designed for additive manufacturing, excellent for 3D printing applications15-45 µm
Inconel 738LC-FGFine-grade powder for high-precision metal injection molding10-25 µm
Inconel 738LC-HIPOptimized for hot isostatic pressing to reduce porosity and enhance mechanical properties20-53 µm
Inconel 738LC-3DHigh-flow powder for metal additive manufacturing and 3D printing15-45 µm
Inconel 738LC-MIMSuitable for metal injection molding, offers high strength and complex shape fabrication10-25 µm
Inconel 738LC-WPowder optimized for welding and repair of high-temperature components30-90 µm
Inconel 738LC-CCombines high creep resistance with corrosion resistance, suitable for aerospace applications20-53 µm
Inconel 738LC-SLMSpecifically for selective laser melting (SLM) processes15-45 µm
Inconel 738LC-LCLow-carbon variant, excellent for applications needing reduced carbide formation15-45 µm
Inconel 738LC-HPHigh-purity grade for applications requiring ultra-high strength and fatigue resistance10-53 µm

These powder variants are designed for specific manufacturing techniques and applications, providing versatility to suit different industrial needs.

Specifications and Standards for Inconel 738LC Powder

When selecting a material like Inconel 738LC powder, it’s important to ensure it meets industry standards and specifications. Below is a breakdown of some of the most relevant specs:

ASTM B637Standard specification for nickel alloy bars, forgings, and powderASTM International
AMS 5391Specification for nickel-based alloy, investment castingsSAE International
ISO 15156Guidelines for materials used in H2S-containing environmentsISO International
AMS 5663Material specification for nickel alloy powderSAE International
DIN EN 10204Certificate standard for metallic productsDIN International
ISO 9001:2015Quality management system standard for productionISO International

These specifications ensure that Inconel 738LC powder meets the highest quality standards and can be used in critical applications requiring high reliability and performance.

Advantages of Inconel 738LC Powder

Why choose Inconel 738LC powder? The following advantages make it the go-to choice for numerous industries:

  • Exceptional Heat Resistance: Maintains structural integrity at high temperatures.
  • Superior Oxidation and Corrosion Resistance: Performs well in environments with aggressive chemicals or extreme heat.
  • High Creep and Fatigue Resistance: Long-lasting under mechanical stress, making it ideal for long-term, high-stress applications.
  • Versatile in Manufacturing: Suitable for additive manufacturing, MIM, HIP, and other advanced production techniques.

Disadvantages of Inconel 738LC Powder

Like any material, Inconel 738LC does have its limitations:

  • Coût élevé: Nickel-based superalloys are generally expensive compared to other metals.
  • Difficult Machinability: Can be challenging to machine in its solid form, though powder forms offer more flexibility.
  • Disponibilité limitée: Given its specialized nature, sourcing can sometimes be challenging.

Pricing and Suppliers of Inconel 738LC Powder

Sourcing Inconel 738LC powder from reliable suppliers is crucial for maintaining high-quality standards. Here’s an overview of some well-known suppliers and typical price ranges:

FournisseurLocalisationPrix par kgDisponibilité
Praxair Surface TechnologiesÉTATS-UNIS$600-$900Haut
Technologie des charpentiersÉTATS-UNIS$700-$950Haut
Aubert & DuvalFrance$680-$920Moyen

The pricing can vary depending on the powder grade, form, and specific supplier. Bulk orders or special customization can also affect pricing.

Comparison: Inconel 738LC Powder vs Other Nickel-Based Alloys

To truly understand the advantages of Inconel 738LC powder, let’s compare it to other popular nickel-based alloys:

alliageRésistance à la températureRésistance à la corrosionCoûtApplications
Inconel 738LCExcellent (up to 1050°C)ExcellentHautGas turbines, aerospace engines, hot gas path
Inconel 625Good (up to 980°C)Superior (chloride resistance)MoyenChemical plants, marine applications
Inconel 718Good (up to 700°C)BonMoyenAerospace, power generation
Hastelloy XExcellent (up to 1200°C)BonHautJet engines, gas turbines

As we can see, Inconel 738LC outperforms in terms of high-temperature resistance but comes at a higher cost compared to other nickel-based alloys.

Inconel 738LC Powder
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What is Inconel 738LC powder used for?It is used in high-temperature applications such as turbine blades and aerospace engines.
Is Inconel 738LC better than Inconel 625?For high-temperature resistance, yes. However, Inconel 625 is more corrosion-resistant in chloride environments.
Can Inconel 738LC be 3D printed?Yes, Inconel 738LC powder is suitable for additive manufacturing processes like SLM and DMLS.
How does Inconel 738LC resist oxidation?The high Chromium and Aluminum content forms a protective oxide layer on the surface.
Is Inconel 738LC expensive?Yes, its price is higher than many other alloys due to its specialized properties and applications.


Inconel 738LC powder is an exceptional material for industries requiring high-performance, durability, and resistance to extreme environments. With its unique composition, incredible characteristics, and versatility across applications like Fabrication additive, aerospaceet power generation, it’s clear why this superalloy remains a popular choice in demanding fields. Though the cost may be higher, the long-term performance and reliability of Inconel 738LC powder make it well worth the investment for critical applications. Whether you’re a manufacturer, engineer, or researcher, understanding the ins and outs of this remarkable material ensures you make informed decisions that optimize performance and longevity.

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