
مسحوق FeCoNiCr

يكتسب مسحوق FeCoNiCr، وهو عبارة عن سبيكة عالية الاستقطاب (HEA)، مكانة بارزة في التصنيع المتقدم وعلوم المواد والتطبيقات الصناعية نظرًا لخصائصه الاستثنائية. تشتهر بخصائصها ...
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مسحوق CoNiCr

CoNiCr powder is a high-performance metal alloy powder widely used in aerospace, medical, and industrial applications. Its unique blend of cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), and ...
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فهم مسحوق السبائك ثنائي الطور

Overview of Dual-Phase Alloy Powder Dual-phase alloy powders are specialized materials used in various industries for their unique combination of properties, such as high strength, ...
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مسحوق CuAlNi

CuAlNi powder, a unique alloy comprising copper (Cu), aluminum (Al), and nickel (Ni), is widely recognized for its impressive mechanical properties, shape memory effect, and ...
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مسحوق CuAlFeF

Overview of CuAlFe Powder Copper-Aluminum-Iron (CuAlFe) powder is a high-performance metallic powder renowned for its strength, durability, and versatility in industrial applications. This alloy combines ...
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مسحوق الفولاذ منخفض السبائك

Low-alloy steel powder is a versatile and essential material in various industries, from automotive to aerospace. These powders are designed with specific chemical compositions and ...
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CuAlMn Powder

Overview of CuAlMn Powder CuAlMn powder, a copper-based alloy with aluminum and manganese, is a versatile material widely used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, ...
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الترسيب بالذوبان بالليزر ل AlSi10Mg

AlSi10Mg powder is gray powder and is widely used in the application of 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing in the field of aerospace, automotive, industrial ...
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مسحوق الحديد عالي النقاء

Introduction High purity iron powder is a critical material used in various industries, from metallurgy to electronics. But what exactly makes it so special? How ...
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مسحوق CuAl10

Introduction CuAl10 Powder is a high-performance metal powder made from an alloy of copper (Cu) and aluminum (Al), typically containing about 10% aluminum by weight. ...
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صناعة حقيقية

شنغهاي حقيقي am-material

تأسست شركة Shanghai Truer Industrial Development Co. ، Ltd. في عام 2009 وأنشأت أعمال التصنيع المضافة في عام 2019 ، وهي مكرسة لبناء معدات وخدمات تصنيع مسحوق الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد ، ومساحيق الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد عالية الجودة للمساعدة في التطبيقات الهندسية للتصنيع الإضافي.

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